The Business of People: Leadership for the Changing World

Check out our new book – The Business of People: Leadership for the Changing World.

This book was written by Iain Fraser and myself to support leaders to be the best that they can be.

This people focused book, will assist you to develop and support yourself with your people leadership, knowledge, and skills. It is an opportunity to better manage yourself, lead others, along with managing and leading your organization into the modern volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA) world.

To find out more and/or to purchase it, click here!

Described by publishers Routledge as a key title for business development!

The Business of People: Leadership for changing the world

Book Reviews

Leadership is the Ultimate Journey

by Joy Wendt

‘I particularly enjoyed the readability of this book. Often business books can be dry and technical, and while there is profound thought, readability was never sacrificed.
The tools and exercises are excellent resources for the future.

This book is a ‘one of a kind’. It is focused on people. It is relevant to both beginners and experts in leadership professions. The Business of People addresses the key issues facing leaders in this complex world and why people are central to success. In changing, challenging times, the resources in this book will give you tips on how to act effectively to implement into your workplace.

Enjoy the never-ending ride that this book takes you on; you are in good hands.’

Click here to read full article

Book review in Regional News- Connecting Wellington- Issue 127, April 14 2020 (Page 7)

PM World Journal Book review of The Business of People

by Muriel Hairston-Cooper

Just a snippet from her review….

Her ‘Highlights…
The Business of People lives up to its title to put people first


‘Who might benefit from the Book?

Anyone who may be questioning their ability to lead – those who have been filled with doubt – or question as to how to begin to be viewed by others as a leader should read this book, and then read it again.’

Click here to read her full review!

Muriel Hairston-Cooper is a member of the Silver Spring, Maryland Chapter of PMI and earned her PMP certification in 2018. She is the senior manager of stakeholder engagement at the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation.

January 2021

Book Sections

Articles to download

Stress and Burnout. What's the difference?
Finding your confidence and assertiveness
Finding your confidence and assertiveness
When Your Brain is All Over the Place
ANTs in your brain- Removing Negative Self Talk
Worry Management
Needing a Time Management Boost? Making Every Day a “Do” Date, Not a “Due” Date
Needing a Time Management Boost? Making Every Day a “Do” Date, Not a “Due” Date
Work Life Balance Habit Builder

Resources by Madeleine

Let's Talk ... Let's Connect - E03 Leading with Emotion

Let's Talk ... Let's Connect - E03 Leading with Emotion

Since 2014, I have had the privilege of doing a training tour each year with Work Skills Academy of New Zealand (WSDA), in Bangladesh. I am the Dean of the Facility of Personal Leadership. Because of the Covid-19 lockdown, no one has been able to work in face to face training. Therefore, the team are desperately trying to find new ways to keep the office going in Bangladesh. The WSDA team are also building off of all the hard work they have done already. Click to watch the video.

Is it time to reset your boundaries?

Is it time to reset your boundaries?

Are you feeling stressed, pushed around, agreeing to do things for people when you don’t really want to? Maybe the reason for this is that you have let your personal boundaries slip. Boundaries are the limits and expectations you set for yourself and of others, for how you behave and for how they behave around you.

Let's talk about Grief

Let's talk about Grief

We don't talk much about grief - Culturally many of us don't deal with it well. Here, Cathy Sheppard talks with Madeleine Taylor about grief, and what we can do to help. There are three videos addressing grief in a time of Covid-19. Recognising what is grief in this time of Covid-19 Strategies for coping Useful resources

A note on re-joining your team at work

A note on re-joining your team at work.

Someone recently talked about the idea of a stress hangover. So much has changed and with change comes the grief and there is a lot to grieve about. Not only for the Covid 19 situation but the way we have been as human beings on this planet. With this is mind we now have a chance, with the change in focus on the values of the world, to take account of the state of our planet and the way resources are shared and used. That said, with so much change we need to think again about how we work together. To regroup and refocus. You may be returning to work or sport or in the community. It may be a change in the team or in your family.

Conversations That Matter

The world is a changing place; for those of us who have grown up in privilege may need to learn new ways. Madeleine is part of a supportive group challenging themselves and learning awareness of equity and of racist behaviour. Our own included. Click on the links below for more:

Report of Matike Mai Aotearoa – The Independent Working Group on Constitutional Transformation

This is the heading

Terms of Reference: “To develop and implement a model for an inclusive Constitution for Aotearoa based on tikanga and kawa, He Whakaputanga o te Rangatiratanga o Niu Tireni of 1835, Te Tiriti o Waitangi of 1840, and other indigenous human rights instruments which enjoy a wide degree of international recognition”.

This is the heading

This is an article for mainly pakeha/white people about how the dominant white systems control the way our world works and how if you are white, you benefit from that without even trying. Be open to reflect on your layers of your privilege - even those you may not know you possess.

Lessons from a Recovering Racist by Andrew Judd (TED talk)


Beyond White Guilt – Confronting NZ’s colonial past.

This series from NZ Herald started  in 2019, is worth looking at:

With a recent 2021 update…

“Some things have changed. Many things have not”

Downloadable tools

A guide for working with me (yourself)
A guide for working with me (yourself)
Personal planning guide
Personal planning guide
S.T.A.T.E. Something Astute To Express
S.T.A.T.E. Something Astute To Express
Self care plan
Self care plan

Other resources

Brene Brown

Brene′ has studied the power of vulnerability and instead of being scared of it - she suggests we work with it.

Margaret Heffernan: Willful Blindness

Margaret Heffernan demonstrates the danger of "willful blindness" and praises ordinary people like Benefield who are willing to speak up (Filmed at TEDxDanubia). The former CEO of five businesses, Margaret Heffernan explores the all-too-human thought patterns -- like conflict avoidance and selective blindness -- that lead managers and organizations astray.

Kelly McGonigal: How to make stress your friend

Kelly McGonigal: How to make stress your friend

Stress. It makes your heart pound, your breathing quicken and your forehead sweat. But while stress has been made into a public health enemy, new research suggests that stress may only be bad for you if you believe that to be the case. Psychologist Kelly McGonigal urges us to see stress as a positive, and introduces us to an unsung mechanism for stress reduction: reaching out to others.

Sheena Iyengar: The art of choosing

Sheena is world renown researcher and author in the area of choice making. Sheena Iyengar studies how we make choices - and how we feel about the choices we make. Here she talks about both trivial choices (Coke v. Pepsi) and profound ones, and shares her groundbreaking research that has uncovered some surprising attitudes about our decisions.

Baroness Onora O'Neil: What we don't understand about trust.

Baroness Onora O'Neil: What we don't understand about trust.

Trust is on the decline, and we need to rebuild it. Thats a commonly heard suggestion for making a better world but, says philosopher Onora ONeill, we dont really understand what we're suggesting. She flips the question, showing us that our three most common ideas about trust are actually misdirected.

Simon Sinek: Start with Yourself

Join William Ury, negotiations expert and co-author of the seminal text on negotiations, 'Getting to Yes', as well as the brand new 'Getting to Yes with Yourself', as he sits down with Simon Sinek to discuss what it truly means to get to yes with oneself. This conversation will help you better understand how you are in control of your own happiness, be it personally or professionally, and how you can change the stakes and tone of the external negotiations you participate in by first changing the internal game. From, this discussion, you can learn how to make your life better, your relationships healthier, your family happier, your work more productive, and the world around you more peaceful.

A  free resource from Liz Andrew-Brake
She explains:
“This printable worksheet is based on a tool called the Circles of Influence and Concern which was created by Stephen Covey. He used two circles, the Circle of Concern and the Circle of Influence in his book 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. I use a slight variation from Covey’s model which adds a third circle, the Circle of Control.

In my blog, I talk through how I found this tool useful to focus on what I can control and influence and let go of all of the things that concern me.”
                     Liz Andrew-Brake, Social Worker, Supervisor and Coach