Madeleine established her business People Skills Consulting to promote excellence in workplace communication and culture.
Her roles include:
Working in private practice for 26 years has allowed Madeleine to pursue her interest in the power of ‘soft skills’ in our changing world.
Her diverse range of clients provide a wonderful ‘grounding’ and a huge incentive to bring forward skills for our times. For example, skills for workplaces developing diversity and acknowledging that ‘Millennials’ are the new workforce, or when working as a parent educator in the screen age.
Since 2014 (until the Covid19 Pandemic) Madeleine has travelled to Bangladesh each year to lead Emotional Intelligence training for businesses and students.
Madeleine has been married to her husband, Wayne, for 32 years. Together they have raised three sons to independence (and gained the grey hairs to prove it!). They live in and enjoy the wonderful Wellington region of New Zealand.
After completing her social work degree at Massey University in 1979, Madeleine worked for 6 years as a social worker at Waikato Hospital and at the Psychiatric Unit of Wellington Hospital.
She went on to work in local government where she helped teams, managers and staff to manage difficult and stressful situations successfully.
Madeleine has recently joined the Board of Mother’s Network, an organisation that supports the woman behind the mother – see
Madeleine is a
& was an Associate at Conflict Partnership NZ until 2017
Madeleine has
Surf Life Saving New Zealand - Riversdale Beach Surf Club. Madeleine supports this club by helping the committee and being a official at Surf events including the annual Carnival that occurs on Wellington Anniversary Day.
Madeleine is also on the committee for Predator Free Khandallah. Click on the tui for their latest newsletter
Please get in touch if you think Madeleine may be able to help you, your group or your workplace. She can provide support for up to 2 pro bono clients at a time.
NET, Wellington Community Law, Wairarapa District Health Board, Mary Potter Hospice, Fertility Associates, Victoria University of Wellington – EARS, Diana Unwin Chair of Restorative Justice, Open Polytechnic of NZ, Wellington City Mission, Wellington Restorative Justice, Taeaomanino Trust, KiwiClass, Wellington Community College, Ministry of Primary Industries, Grief Relief, Te Aro Law, Resolution Institute, Wesley Community Action, Solstone, Oranga Tamariki, Ngaio School, MSD, Family Works, Te Omanga Hospice, Access Health, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Capital Coast District Health, Creative HQ, ANZASW, Social Work Registration Board, Kiwiclass, NgaTonga, National Collective Women’s Refuge, Ministry of Primary Industries, The Sensonauts, Victim Support, Midwifery Council, Pharmac, Independent Children’s Monitor, High and Complex Needs, Resilient Kids Ltd, Ministry of Justice, Voyce, Strengthening Families, DCM, Salvation Army, PSA, Wellington City Council, Cystic Fibrosis New Zealand, INsideout, Te Whare Rokiroki, CCS Disability Action, Cuba Law, Snapper, Te Iwi o Ngati Kahu Trust, Permaqueer, Pharmacy Council, Aro Digital, Mindset of Design, Tawa College, Ngaio School, Leukaemia & Blood Cancer New Zealand, Shelter Masterton, Uni Professionals, Community Learning Assn, Sailability, Ngaio Playcentre, Mental Health, Addiction & Intellectual Disability Service (MHAIDS) – Te Whatu Ora, VSA, Private Clients.
Th 8th ANZASW Waking Up Webinar
Th 15th Online Introduction to Managing Difficult Conversations for Teachers
Tu 20th – Sa 24th MFAT project in PNG teaching Negotiation Skills
5th March – Negotiation Skills For ASEAN Mid level Managers
6-7 March – Waking Up to Whiteness
13 – 21st March – Negotiation Skills Pacific Diplomats Samoa
26th March – Wgtn High School Raising Resilient Kids Workshop
Please contact Madeleine for more information
2 April – Mothers Network – Facilitator Training
2/3rd May – Waking Up to Whiteness
24 May – Wellington High School Conflict Management and Resolution – Free for NZ citizens
Please contact Madeleine for more information
27/28 June – Waking Up to Whiteness
Please contact Madeleine for more information
17 July – Difficult Conversations on line workshop for Teachers
31 July – Wgtn High School – Raising Resilient Kids Workshop
Please contact Madeleine for more information
24/25 Oct – Waking Up to Whiteness
13 Nov – Difficult Conversations on line workshop for Teachers-
Resilient Kids Hub Day
Please contact Madeleine for more information